Thursday, January 21, 2010

Working at Pro Peninsula for the past couple of weeks has really opened my eyes to many things that I had not thought about very often before this internship experience. For instance, working so much on marketing and website design has taught me to look at websites and graphic design advertisements in a new light, focusing on the work that it would take to actually design the advertisement and think of ideas to format it so that it will be more attention-grabbing for customers. Working here has also taught me to care more about the environmental issues that we are currently facing, which I usually do not pay enough attention to. I have learned a great amount about the difficulties that our environment is facing and the small things that we can do to make a difference.

Possible Questions:
How was it switching so often between Mexico and the US? Was this a positive experience?

What caused you to choose this job versus any other job dealing with the environment?

How did you come to start working at Pro Peninsula?

What do you think is the most positive thing about your job? What about while you were growing up?

What is some advice you could give to me as a junior in high school?

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