Thursday, January 28, 2010

I have chosen to post a series of pictures demonstrating the field trips that I have been helping out with by attending. Part of the work at Pro Peninsula involves visiting various elementary schools and getting the students to become really involved in helping save the environment and connected with becoming active and making a difference by working together. This is done by taking the classes to Nature Centers and setting up a Pen Pal system between children here in San Diego and children of the same age in Mexico. We even took a class on a whale watching trip off of the coast of the San Diego Bay so that they could get a personal look at what they are working for.

This is a photo of some of the students drawing pictures of whales for their Pen Pals in the Baja California Peninsula. The children were very good with working together to complete their work.

This is another photo of the kids working together to make their cards as creative as possible for their pen pals.

This was taken as we departed from San Diego Bay on our whale watching trip. I like this picture because you can see the skyline in the background as well as almost the whole class of children.

This was the clearest picture that I could get of the dolphins actually jumping out of the water. It was very difficult to capture because they would appear and dissapear very suddenly, but it was very exciting to see.

This was taken from one of our field trips to the Chula Vista Nature Center, where the children got to see all different types of marine life. I like this picture because I find seahorses to be very interesting creatures.

One of the main attractions of the field trip was the Sea Turtles, which are the primary concern of the Pro Peninsula foundation.

This was also taken at the Chula Vista Nature Center. I like the picture because of all of the colors that the Octopus uses to blend in with his surroundings.

There's not very much to this picture, but I like it because in the foreground you can see one of the students holding a camera and in the distance you can see a fin of one of the dolphins that the children were so excited to see. It was very difficult to capture anything that contained both the children and the wild life.

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